> From: Jay DeLong
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- dwarf sturgeon / captive breeding /
> refuguia
> Why not release cheetahs in the States, too? They're fast enough
> to catch a pronghorn or deer, and I guess there's room for a bunch
> of them in Wyoming. The problem with the sturgeon isn't that
> there's no where to put them,
Maybe not now, but in time things change. Developing nations will likely
become more affluent and more efficent at extracting and recycling
resources. The habitat where that dwarf sturgeon is from may be restored
because the people there may become alot better off and can afford the
luxury of taking an interest in nature.
They would probably be grateful to someone like Moonman for keeping that
fish going all those years.
It is the rich who can be green because they no longer have to choose
between their own survival and nature's.
Peter Huber- Hard Green.
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