As always, very quality stuff. Imagine if you hadn't had problems with the
Merry Christmas to you and everyone else!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Crail, Todd" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 5:01 PM
Subject: NANFA-- The lost "Claus" and Stoneroller followup
> Okay, now that I've recovered from Scott about splitting my gut and the
gluttony of plowing thru printed tree pulp to get to the goodies (I musta
been good this year :)... I whipped up this little ditty from my trip out
this afternoon. The pictures are... Well... They'll get there :)
> I'd also like to thank all of you who provided information about
Stonerollers as a suitable aquarium species. I don't know why I thought
they were poor canidates. Seems I've been missing out all this time. I've
brought home two and I'm sloooooooowly increasing their temp over the next
couple days while at home to prepare them for the sunny, warm weather of my
30 gallon. So thanks again for taking the time to type up the responses :)
> Happy Holidays!
> Todd
> I hope you know that this will go down on your permanent record.
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