I will be happy to FAX it to you.
Send me your number.
- Jan Hoover
Sturgeon Enthusiast and NANFA Librarian
-----Original Message-----
From: SHasloue_at_kdhe.state.ks.us
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 2:02 PM
To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net; owner-nfc at actwin.com
Subject: NANFA-- Shovelnose Sturgeon Paper
I'm doing background work pursuant to proposing the species be listed as a
"Species in need of conservation" (SINC) in Kansas.
Would anyone on the list have a scanned copy of the paper "Life history and
status of the shovelnose sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus platorynchus." by Kent
Keenlyne (1997) originally published in "Environmental Biology of Fishes"
48 (1/4).
If so, any chance of sharing it with me? It will take a good half day to
drive to the nearest university library and find it.
Steve Haslouer
Environmental Scientist III
Bureau of Environmental Field Services
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 430
Topeka, KS 66612-1367
(785) 296 - 0079
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