The ironic part is, if -that- is true, it's only encouraged those people
I've talked to find a male....
Of course, in the short term, that may bolster sales as everyone tries to
find an elusive male and breed the population. If they're going to lose
market to hobbyist-bred supplies (not being a lawyer, I'm not sure, but I
believe they could technically sue you if you bred TG ZDs and sold them to
another hobbyist... you could, of course, -give- them away.... I do have a
hard time believing they'd go after a hobbyist supplying a few other
hobbyists, or a retail store, but then, I have a hard time beliving music
companies would go after people on Kazaa.... where was I?) Oh, if they're
going to lose market to hobbyist-bred supplies, they might as well try for
that quick bolster in moderate level hobbyists who would try to breed
them.... My conspiracy theory of the week (just so you know, they're not
really genetically engineered, tehy live in Loch Ness, and hide
under bigfoot. :)
> Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2003 00:18:40 -0500
> From:
> Reply-To:
> To: "" <nanfa at>
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- Transgenetic Danios
> Quoting Joshua L Wiegert <>:
> > US PAtent Laws let you patent genetically engineered fish, so presumably,
> > no one can sell TG ZDs without permission or approval of the company. The
> > other issue is that they're claiming to only be releasing females -- not
> > males. How exactly you tell male zebrafish from female zebrafish before
> > they're fully grown, I've no idea, but.... Once grown, it's easy enough,
> > but from what I've seen, these are still juvies.
> > JW.
> Yeah, I had my doubts too when I heard they were only selling females. Unless
> the gene is sex-linked, SOMEBODY is going to wind up with a male, and start
> offering them to other hobbyists.
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