Re: NANFA-- Octopus in Lake Conway, Arkansas!
Mon, 8 Dec 2003 15:57:13 EST

In a message dated 12/8/03 3:36:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> It's possible that this guy picked up a whole fresh-dead octopus at the fish
> store, and probably cooked it whole.
I would be hard pressed to buy an octopus like that at a fish store here and
I live on the coast. I still think it's a rubber octopus maybe rubbed with oil
to make it look slimy. shame on you for eating an intelligent being! I prefer
to eat things dumber than me, and to all the smart asses out there I do get
hungry sometimes! ;-) Actually I catch squid in the summer and have calamari, I
do love those squids!

"Who died and left you in charge?"
"Captain Bipto!"
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