Re: NANFA-- The writing on the wall?w/ a bit of sacrasm

R. W. Wolff (
Fri, 12 Dec 2003 14:53:08 -0600

In the same issue of IN-Fisherman, they had an article where glow jigs did
not signifigantly improve walleye catches over other non glowing colors.

This fish may become the new goldfish of bait. Goldfish were used because
the bright orange really lured in fish tired of seeing normal fish impaled
on hooks. *Maybe it will help stop the unintentional release of bait

The threat of them becoming established is possible.
But, like albinos or other unnatural colored fish, they have a poorer
chance than the normal color varieties. That doesn't lessen the disease they
could bring in.

*Maybe all fish in the genus Brachydanio should be banned in the states,
plus anything else similar. Possibly any cyprinids should be banned in the

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