Perhaps you could do some of the interpretation on the geology of the area
Matt? In as little as I understand, this is either sandy moranic drift or
possible dunes from glacial lake Chicago. I haven't had a chance yet to
really research the post-Pleistocene events, anyone who understands can kick
in any moment :) What I do know is will be a current era representation of
what the typical clear water prairie stream habitats were prior to European
And yes Casper... It's perhaps the most Snorkelmeister (tm) Midwest approved
vacation area... Probably about as clear as you'll find in the central
Midwest. Lake snorkeling, stream snorkeling... I think you'll really enjoy
it. I know I'm planning on having my gear assembled by then :)
Sajjad, I'll send you the initial post off list...
----- Original Message -----
From: "matt ashton"
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Regional Spring Fling, Hoosier Style...
> Well it was much of this persons surveying and shocking that was leading
to delisting of the 4 darter species. I will look into persuing them as a
possibility to work with the parks on something. Have you already contacted
the parks about such?
> The area I was specifically talking about was south of Winamac, Indiana.
Where I specifically was; Shoals, Huron, Winamac. There is actually alot of
rural access and city access, (launching ramps and parks) and a couple areas
I was curious in besides the river itself while there. You have to be a bit
south of Winamac though because of the impoundments to get into the nicer
sections of river again. There is alot north by northeast of Winamac too. A
Indiana Gazetter helps alot, but just looking for parks on any map website
too. I am unfamiliar with the state park though although I am sure I was
staying very close to it for a few weeks. Really looking forward to this.
Some great of snorkling oppurtunities and freshwater mussels.
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