Jim Graham
Hastings MI
> CONVENTION LODGING: Holiday Inn - Columbia Airport The rooms will be
> non-smoking doubles, and some smoking rooms will be available at your
> request. The
> rate will be $65.00 per night and will include a complimentary hot
> buffet in Magnolia's Grill which is the on-site restaurant. For more info
> the
> motel go to www.holiday-inn.com/cae-airport <
> http://www.holiday-inn.com/cae-airport > or to make reservations call
> 794-9440. *NOTE: Make sure to
> mention that you are with the 'NANFA' group and tell them to use tracking
> number
> "2-NAN".
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/ For more information about NANFA, visit our web page, http://www.nanfa.org