----Original Message Follows----
From: "Bob Bock" <bockhouse_at_earthlink.net>
Reply-To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
Subject: Re: NANFA-- 2004 NANFA Convention announcement
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2003 21:51:48 -0500
Geez, it's hard to figure out which trip to go on.
----- Original Message -----
From: <Ipchay61_at_aol.com>
To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- 2004 NANFA Convention announcement
> In a message dated 12/28/2003 9:08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> michiganfish_at_wideopenwest.com writes:
> > Chip
> >
> > What kind of minnows, killis and darters might we find?
> >
> > Bob Muller
> > ----
> >
> Bob,
> A lot depends on which collecting trip you opt to take. A list of likely
> candidates would be:
> Shiners
> sailfin shiner
> dusky shiner
> ironcolor shiner
> coastal shiner
> sandbar shiner
> fieryblack shiner
> yellowfin shiner
> greenfin shiner
> golden shiner
> Killies
> lined topminnow
> golden topminnow
> bluefin killifish
> rainwater killifish
> striped killifish
> mummichog
> sheepshead pupfish
> Darters
> swamp darter
> sawcheek darter
> tessellatted darter
> savannah darter
> seagreen darter
> turquoise darter
> blackbanded darter
> piedmont darter
> Livebearers
> least killifish
> sailfin molly
> eastern mosquitofish
> This is by no means an absolute list. There are many I couldn't think
> Hope this helps.
> Chip
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