Re: NANFA-- 2004 NANFA Convention announcement
Mon, 29 Dec 2003 15:52:47 EST

In a message dated 12/29/03 2:09:19 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> I disagree! REAL fish guys don't use waders. Blackwater won't hurt you.
> Neither will mud. Mississippi has more than its fair share of both :-)
> /
Have you ever scuba dived or snorkeled in real black water? It won't hurt you
but it can make you hurt yourself. I went down in a Lake Waccamaw tributary
once to retrieve a gun dropped by a friend and in the total blackness about 15
feet down the bottom was covered by large freshwater eels. Talk about soiling
my britches! I'm not really afraid of eels but try feeling around in total
darkness and find dozens of very large slimy something's coiling around your
hands, almost made me hurt my self for sure! Lots of alligators in that tributary
too, three big ones slid off the bank as I went by in the boat before the
dive. If you ever get the chance you should drive around lake waccamaw, lots of
alligators in the black water swamp behind the lake!

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