I did the calculations and it was around 15 dollars a month, but I think I
pay something like .05 a kwh. I was surprised by that. The most efficient
mag drive ( dividing water moved by watts) was the 1800 gph. They have a
3600, but it was less efficient, 2400 and 1200 about the same, and those
under 1200 all about the same. Who said math couldn't be fun and helpful, I
know I did.
I wanted to figure out the lights in my fish room. I am not sure if they use
that total wattage the entire time they are running, or if it is more to
start, or less once they are warmed up. I just did it as they use the
wattage all the time they are on constant, and came up with 30 some dollars
worth of monthly lighting charges. Those Paratilapia bleekeri I have better
start spawning to pay the light bill, or they might find themselves in the
dark, ha ha.
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