<< Nor do I think we should just go dipnetting into local waters, dump the
fish into the tank, and let kids watch them die--all because we do not
know enough about them to keep them healthy and happy. We need to
teach children to *care for* and *respect* wildlife, not treat them as
amusing but disposable "things." >>
I have a native fish aquarium set up at an inner city library branch. All
natives are first acclimated to aquarium life and new food at my home before
introduced to the public. Also, the library staff has gotten attached to the
fish and it is a negative event when there is a casualty, particularly when
it is a darter.
I'm down to one darter (their favorites) and guess I'll have to go wading in
icy water and get the population back up! :>
Chuck Church
Indianapolis, Indiana USA
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