> A fish kill has happened in indiana in the white river close to
> noblesville.
> They said it was caused by a water treatment facility that leaked high
> levels of amonia into the water. They said that fish such as
> catfish,carp,etc were mostly the ones that were kiled. Normally these fish
> are hard to kill but the ones that are easy to kill such as
> bass,bluegill,etc didnt die. How is this?
Jeremy, that is interesting. Do you know what fishes were in that stretch
of the river before the spill?
Where did you hear about this? Is the story in the online Indianapolis
newspaper? Chuck Church, do you know?
Here is the link to the Indianapolis Star newspaper article on the fish kill.
Seems like there was an article in yesterday's paper too.
<A HREF="http://www.starnews.com/news/citystate/99/dec/1222st_fishkill.html">
StarNews.com : Unusual fish kill in White River has officials stumped</A>
Chuck Church
Indianapolis, Indiana USA
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