Re: NANFA--Marsh/Emergent Plants Where to find
Chris Darrow (
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 11:30:33 +0000
Yea Rays right. Philodendron, Spathophyllum (which is a bunching plant)
and a plant called Pothos which has kind of heart shaped leaves and is
either green, or spotted with yellow or white streaks and is also a vine
are very common found at many supermarkets, chains stores and such.
Incidently a study I think by NASA found Spathaphyllum and Chlorophytum
(the common spider plant) to be excellent air purifiers removing even
toxic gases like benzene from the air (obviuosly only in small amounts).
Plants like the Hygrophila ,Java Moss, Java Fern, Amazon Sword plant,
Water Clover can be found at some local fish stores or ordered through
the mail from Arizona Aquatics (, or Anchor Bay
Aquarium (
But the best way and cheapest is to hunt around streams and pond edges.
You don't need much cause once you get it inside and in the warmth they
grow fast.
BTW if I was going to pick a floating surface plant I'd choose Frogbit,
Ray sent me some a year or so ago and Its really great! It has floating
quarter size leaves and produces 8+ inches hair like roots that hang
down. also it doesnt grow to fast the way duckweed or Salvinia does.
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