Chris probably doesn't realize how much
some of us get into his posts on different subjects. Therefore I thought it
best to give feedback on those very same things! Without leaving any replies
seems to apply an attitude of indifference toward the subject matter which
was the exact opposite of what I felt upon reading these very same things.I
seem to learn something new just about every time I look at my email which is
great.What more can you ask for? I fully believe in giving credit where
credit is due. I am completely into fishes of such unusual morphology as
sturgeons and eels. Not to mention swamp "eels". Whenever I learn new new
information about things like that I get an adrenaline rush. I think it is
amazing how many things are connected just with the subject I am interested
in, which is N. A. fish! Like everything from the geo. extent of N.A. to pine
cones and how forest fires help them to grow! Not to mention the fact that C.
America hasa different geological plate than N.A. and S.A.! Learning things
like that is mentally stimulating! I thought to myself " I can't let these
replies seem to be unappreciated!"
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