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There is an article on the Alabama sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus suttkusi) in the
July/August issue of "River Crossings" (Vol. 8, No.4). It states that
listing the sturgeon as an endangered species is opposed by state Rep.
Johnny Ford who said "We don't want these ugly fish in the state of
I have read about Rep. Johnny Ford's statement before and I'm glad you
brought it up on this list. That is about as anti-animal as you can get. I
would hate to see the fate of the Devil's Hole pupfish left in his hands.
These state reps are should be representing the state by protecting its
resources, not having such a callous attitude towards them. Instead these
politicians represent the paranoid desires of some special interest groups,
none of which would be hurt by the listing or protection of the Alabama
sturgeon.I also read on some web page which had another politician's attitude
against the sturgeon; Senator John McCain said that President Clinton should
exercise his on-line veto to strike down the proposed $40,000 which would be
allocated to the Alabama sturgeon. It figures that the sturgeon would be
considered expendable by these arrogant politicians, even though the sturgeon
were here first.First the Native Americans, now the fish.I think that the
argument should be made in any public political debates of these kind that
since this government has historically abused the inhabitants of this land
like the native Americans they should try to not only make reparations, but
also prevent these things from happening further and this should include
animals. Living things shouldn't die or be forced off of their land just
because something else like us comes along thinking we're smarter and thus
better than them.
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