<< Legends of seamonsters could well be tied to
Architeuthis dux, the giant squid, a creature that has never
been seen alive, and only seen dead in juvenile form.
This would be the Kraken of Viking legends. I think that there is always some
truth to ancient legends. Some of them may have a fairly mundane explanation,
like the Chinese dragons, and some might be fairly close to the mark. I don't
think that they were just telling stories ( primitive people like the Native
Americans and Vikings had better things to do then make up stories , like
surviving ) I think that they were talking about things that they had seen
and tried to explain them the best way they could. Some evidence and
sightings of animals was misinterpreted undoubtedly, but they all have their
source in something real. I nhave heard of these squid you speak of and I
think it is very likely according to what I've heard so far. I think that
they're supposed to live in the deepest depths of the ocean. I saw a T.V.
program that said we have only explored one tenth of 1% of the oceans floor.
So there's a lot of room for those things to hide if they exist. One
cryptozoologist suggested the kraken could be a type of giant octopus which
he think measures 200 ft.
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