<< Hi ... I seem to be missing something here. The squid are
saltwater critters. The lake is freshwater. So how did the
squid survive in the lake? Were they captured shortly after
being released from the ballast tank? And why on earth are
ships still dumping ballast water in the Great Lakes? Did'nt
someone tell them about zebra mussels? Thought there'd be a
law by now...sigh!
- shireen >>
That is the entire message she sent to me, so I am not certain about how soon
they were captured after being released ffrom the ballast water.I agree with
the law on dumping ballast water in the Lakes ; you'd think one would be made
if only for financial interests since they cause millions of dollars in
damage by clogging up intake pipes and have interrupted water supplies to
certain towns where they are heavily concentrated. one of the things that
worries me ecolosysem wise is they seem to be outcompeting isopod crustaceans
for food in a certain area of the Great Lakes, completely wiping them out and
thus removing a food source for fish like yellow perch which are already
declining in numbers in the Great Lakes.
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