RE: NANFA-- How fish get from A to B

Dave Neely (
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 14:28:46 CST

>...If they are hatching from eggs, there would be a lag time before >you
>saw any adult fish. If adults are appearing immediately after >these storm
>events, then adults are getting in somehow. Could these >storms produce
>winds strong enough to hurl fish and/or egg-laden >plants short distances
>through the air?

Able, K.W. and M. Castagna [1975. Aspects of an undescribed reproducticve
behavior in Fundulus heteroclitus (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae) from Virginia.
Chesapeake Science 16:282-284] observed mummichogs preferentially laying
eggs in mussel shells of the genus Modiolus. They note that eggs deposited
in empty shells would have reduced susceptability to predation, and that
eggs in mussel shells would be exposed to dessication and high temperatures
during low tide. They further note that Fundulus heteroclitus in Virginia
lack chorionic filaments and have a thickened chorion, both features which
are characteristics of annual killies that undergo egg dessication.
Interestingly enough, they cite several authors who found that MA
populations of F. heteroclitus LACK these features... Hmm! They also cite
the work of Harrington [1959. Delayed hatching in stranded eggs of marsh
killifish, Fundulus confluentus. Ecology 40:430-437], who noted that eggs of
F. confluentus and F. grandis can withstand dessication for long periods of

However, as Jan mantioned in an earlier post, some crawfish burrows can
extend 2-3m underground to the water table. If I had to wager where these
fish were coming from, that would be it.


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