Jay DeLong wrote:
> > Hey did anyone else see the Dicscovery channel doc on the mimic octopi?
> > It was amazing. The mimic could immitate a jelly fish, a poisonous water
> > snake,a snail (by hiding in sand and sticking up only it's eyes),
> > a lion fish,
> > and I thought most interestingly, and most convincingly as well,
> > a flounder scooting along the bottom.
> Wasn't that also in Audubon mag a few months ago? Incredible stuff!! There
> was even a shape or 2 that the photographers weren't able to fugure out.
> :-)
> > Does any one know of this kind of behavior in any other fish?
> Yes-- manta ray young swimming in a school the size and shape of an adult
> manta ray!
> --
> Jay DeLong
> Olympia, WA
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