>Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 20:51:36 -0500 (EST)
>From: Heather Wiatrowski <hw133_at_columbia.edu>
>Sender: hw133_at_columbia.edu
>To: mbinkley_at_earthling.net
>Subject: Question about _Notropis_ _heterodon_
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Hi Mark!
>I hope you don't mind me e-mailing you. I found your name and address
>in a post in a native fish archive when I searched for _Notropis_
>About three months ago, I purchased six fish from a normally reputable
>fish store. The salesperson told me that they were "Blue Line Rasboras".
>I have been surfing the net trying to find a picture of my fish. Although
>my fish look similar to a pic I found of _Rasbora_ _taeniata_, they look a
>lot more like Karl Schmidt's picture of the black chin shiner.
>Do you know if there is any way to tell a _Rasbora_ from a _Notropis_,
>short of either pulling them out of the pond or dissecting them?
>Also, if you could be so kind, I would appreciate any information on
>husbandry for the black chin shiner.
>Thanks in advance,
>Heather Wiatrowski
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