Re: NANFA-- NANFA snails, other FW invertebtates and habitat setups
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 17:32:29 EST
I have just delegated an aquarium to freshwater inverts. The aquarium was
originally set up for native fish but I have recently moved all the fish into
another larger tank (this one is 15 gal.) the tank is lighted by 175 watt MH
and has several emerged plants as well as a good underwater growth of moss
and some ferns. I hopefully will be able to get some Isopods, amphipods, and
dwarf crayfish. I can get ghost shrimp and clams. I have tried this before
and so far had no real luck, this time the tank has been established for
about 18 months and should have a good population of microscopic life as well
as having lots of detritus. I'll let you know if this one works out.
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