Re: NANFA-- Water changes...

Lions Lark (
Tue, 06 Feb 2001 18:15:46 -0500

The second is to change water more
>often, Every day is ideal but it depends on how many fish and how much and
>what you feed.
>Lee Harper

I forgot to mention- I only feed live for the fishes & algae discs for the
crayfish. The fish would only eat the red flakes & the uneaten colors only
clouded the water. The crayfish wouldn't even eat them! I only tried that
one can. In the past I didn't have a problem with flakes being consumed,
maybe I had a bad can? I am very happy with the live foods, the cleanliness
of the tanks, and the fishes & crayfish appear healthy, active & some very
well fed!

I didn't realize this was so complex & fragile. My father & uncle always had
aquariums-some were Native Aquariums- in the house & said water changes were
like natural circumstances-they mimicked a rain shower or flooding &
removed/diluted some of the pollutants. They never tested their water for
anything. Only by look & smell & feel.

These fish are largemouths, blue gills, brook sticklebacks & orangethroat
darters. In three separate tanks of course!

Thanks for the info!
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