Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
At 09:48 PM 2/4/02 EST, you wrote:
>This past Saturday Dustin, Cal, Dick Norwood, his daughter Emily, my
>Stephanie and I went out to do some collecting. We started out with plans
>visit three sites in Camden, SC. The first two were located less than a
>mile apart. First stop was a place called Big Pine Tree Creek. At this
>location the water was very dark with hardly any movement. The depth
>dropped off so most collecting was done right around the edges. OK, here
>the fish that we caught:
> Bluegill
> Warmouth
> Carolina pygmy sunfish
> Bluespotted sunfish
> Banded sunfish
> Black banded sunfish
> Lined topminnow
> Pirate perch
> Mosquito fish
>On a previous trip to this spot, Dustin and I caught the above fish and also
>several Swampfish and a Flier. While at this spot we walked to a small pool
>back in the woods and as Dustin was about to dip his net into a patch of
>weeds I noticed him suddenly start backstroking. In the water where he was
>about to dip was a Water Moccasin of about 4 feet in length. We watched it
>for a bit, showed it to the girls so they would know what one looked like
>moved on. This was a good time to move on to the next spot.
>The next place was an unnamed stream (as far as we know) that runs into Big
>Pine Tree Creek. Most of the year it is a swampy pond but occasionally it
>drawn down, as it was this day. The current was fairly strong and had cut a
>pretty good channel but we jumped right in anyway. Almost immediately we
>started hauling fish out. This is what we found here:
> Brook silverside
> Creek chubsucker
> Juv. pickerel
> Mosquitofish
> Swamp darter
> Bluespotted sunfish
> Black banded sunfish
> Banded sunfish
> Carolina pygmy sunfish
> Bluegill
> Spotted sunfish
> Tadpole madtom
> Lined topminnow
> Pirate perch
>We found a good bit of really nice driftwood at this spot. The girls caught
>Blackbanded sunfish, swamp darters and lots of FW shrimp here and it was
>exciting watching them have such a good time.
>We headed on down the road to our next stop, Hwy. 521 _at_ Swift Creek. This
>spot looked nice but was heavily silted making collection very difficult.
>All we were able to get here was:
> Lined topminnow
> Mosquito fish
>For our last stop of the day we headed back up I-20 to Lexington County.
>Here we stopped on Corley Mill Rd. _at_ Twelve-Mile Creek. Almost immediately
>we caught some beautiful darters. We are still undecided about what type
>they are. The list for this spot is:
> Seagreen darter or Turquoise darter
> Tesselated darter
> Creek chubsucker
> Creek chub
>I have previously caught what I think were Yellowfin shiners in this
>location. It was now starting to get late in the day so we all decided to
>call it a day.
>Chip Rinehart
>West Columbia, SC
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