Please help this friend of mine, if you do......
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 1:53 PM
Subject: Mailing address
> BG, my mailing address is PO Box 606, Port Isabel, TX 78578. Enjoyed our
> telephone conversation, except we didn't talk about much other than fish.
> What are you doing these days? Are you still working, or are you retired?
> You used to have a small wife. You still married to her? Are you still
> Baker?
> I'm thinking that there must be sources for mudminnows a little
> to me than Thibodaux, LA. I bet you anything there are mudminnow farms in
> East Texas. Maybe somewhere between Port Arthur and Galveston. And south
> from there, along the coast, as far down as Matagorda, Aransas, and Corpus
> Christi Bays. That's only about 150 miles north of me. All I have to do
> discover who they are and how I can get in touch with them. Maybe you
> someone who might know.
> BG, you know that there occurs down here the formosa molly, I think
> is the right name. Poecilia formosa. This is the molly that is all
> There are no males. The formosa mollies mate with sailfin molly (Poecilia
> latipinna) males or Mexican molly (P. mexicana) males. Supposedly though
> male sperm does not fertilize the eggs in the female, however. The eggs
> develop, get this, parthenogenetically, and, as a consequence there are no
> males in the population. Really strange fish. Gynogenetic sexual
> I have caught them before, but not in a long time. I probably could find
> some again, however. They are not uncommon. The molly looks something
> a female sailfin molly, but not as brown and not as lined. It is prettier
> than the sailfin molly female. It has an overall pearly cast to the skin
> is somewhat shiny. Later--
> Jim
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