Spawning occurs over medium gravel in early spring in swift water that's
about 14-18" deep. The larger female is attended to by up to 8 males. The
fish is seasonally migratory, and spawning is likely by increases in
temperature and daylength.
Chris Scharpf
> Last summer I caught two hog suckers in a small creek called Turkey Fork.
> Turkey Fork is near Ripley W.Va. Turkey Fork doesn't run year round and in
> late summer is just a series of small pools. The hog suckers there are always
> small, 8" or less. Does anyone know the breeding habits of hog suckers? How
> big, how old, and where and how? It comes to mind because one of my hog
> suckers came up missing tonight. I guess it must have jumped out of my 125. I
> still have the smaller of the two and I found them to be a very interesting
> fish with a lot of personality. Does anyone have any details about them?
> after they lost their shyness they were always first for a meal of frozen
> bloodworms or blackworms and only gave way to the elephantnose fish at meal
> time. Ok so I like ugly fish!
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