Re: NANFA-- Hog sucker
Fri, 22 Feb 2002 19:03:40 EST
concerning hogsuckers...
ive always wanted to keep a hog sucker but they seem to die pretty fast in my
my current thoughts are to keep them in a sandy bottomed tank w/ a lot of
dietris. while snorkling i see them either completely resting... you can ease
a small net over a big one... kinda cool to lift a 9" hogsucker out of the
water w/ a little 4' aquarium net :)... or they are constantly working a
sandy gravel run below a riffle... often w/ stonerollers.
because most of my tanks have coarser gravel w/ ug filters i think this
prevents them from doing what they do best... hoovering the substrate.
pretty common fish around here. one of the first that amazed me... the way
their mouth projects down to the substrate... kinda like a elephant trunk or
long snouted critter.
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