At 08:38 AM 2/18/02, you wrote:
>>Maybe not... what will carry the day for Alabama as an "arbirary
>>political definition with highest biodiversity for fishes" will
>>likely >be further examination of the darter fauna, especially in the
>>Warrior >River basin. I have faith that Dave Neely's pals at UA in
>>Tuscaloosa >will identify a surprising number of endemic species...
>>although I >don't know for sure.
>The Mobile Basin's really diverse, and there's a lot more that's not being
>recognized, but I'm siding with Chris, Tennessee would come out on top
>(Hey Ets, if you're reading this, are you happy now?). There's lots of
>weird stuff going on in the Tennessee ichthyofauna that needs to be addressed.
>Both UT-Knoxville and UA-Tuscaloosa are hiring new ichthyologists. The
>people that fill these positions will have a major impact on what happens
>to biodiversity in their respective states. From what I've seen so far, it
>looks like molecular biologists that couldn't identify a fish if it swam
>up and bit them on the tuckus will fill both positions. Sad day for
>ichthyology, and aquatic conservation in the southeast.
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