NANFA-- sweeten
Sat, 16 Feb 2002 18:32:37 EST
i was able to study my tn gazateer yesterday and the area is all noted as
sweeten. sweeten cove, creek and road. we are talking about the same place
according to bruce's notes. there are about 5-7 sites i would check out all
within close proximity for a 2 day excursion. i spoke w/ my friend ron in
altamont yesterday and we are set to camp at his place. he may even have a
big teepee set up for us as his friend is part indian and use to live in it.
the property is on a bluff overlooking a beautiful gorge and waterfall. it is
tough to get to the creek and not much diversity in it from my
observations... but a wonderful spot to build a fire and relax and rest for
the next day.
as for the elk river... we will be at its head waters just below the plateau
dropoff. there is a road that runs along it so good chances are there. also
firey gizzard is just over a bit. many of these gorges and watersheds come
out of state forest tracts.
i will do a run explore a weekend soon to get a plan established and
rendevous points.
i will also call scott mettee and jr shute for more diversity details when i
have a map in hand.
im thinking sometime in april for our get together.
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