That sound alot like the Refugium concept we saw at the convention in
99. I have sort of inadvertently created such a haven for scuds and
other inverts in my pond system by building a biofilter system with lava
rock and willow moss on the top layer. The crustaceans multiply in there
and there is a constant supply washing down thru the stream course to
the fish inhabited pools and pond below. Plus it seems they also like to
inhabit the barley bales and other inacessable parts of the system.
Such a system has the best potential to work if it is large- a really
big tank or outside pond would be ideal. You can also link a larger
system with fish and a smaller one full of plants and live food critters
that can serve a dual function as a food source and filtration system.
That's how things work in nature anyhow.
lFrom the academic standpoint, of course, the most grevious sin of these
amatures was simply that of any amature with regard to any established
profession. They were self-appointed, self-educated, uninitiated by the
guild, uncircumcised by the preisthood...n
Mr Thoggosh : L. Neil Smith lForge of the Eldersn.
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