Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
I'm looking for fish suppliers and similar contacts in Destin, FL and
Savannah, GA. We're opening Bass Pro Shop stores in both areas this July
and I need to start locating fish soon. If anyone knows of reputable fish
suppliers (native gamefish) within a hundred miles of either area, please
let me know. I appreciate any help offered!
I will also be sourcing either staff aquarists or aquarium service
companies for both locations. Roughly 15 hours/week. If a 'staff
aquarist' is chosen we can most likely provide full time employment by
splitting responsibilities with other work (i.e. Maintenance, Retail Sales,
Promotions, etc.). Staff positions are hourly, wage ranges determined by
region (basically meaning I don't know yet).
Destin, FL: 10,500 gal Saltwater - Grand Opening: 7/17/03
Savannah, GA: Saltwater? - Grand Opening: 7/31/03
Mitch Henson
Live Exhibits Manager - Bass Pro Shops
Corporate Offices - Springfield, MO
(417) 873-5253
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