Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
Greeting Astacologists
A question from of one of our budding undergraduate Astacologists, which I am
only able to partially answer.
Incidentally the student in question has approached me with a comprehensive
review of the literature, so not a lazy one seeking a easy shortcut to the
Are freshwater crayfish nocturnal?
While the literature contains a number of references to the nocturnal activity
in certain species of Freshwater Crayfish <?/color>(Gherardi in Holdich 2002:
lists a good number), I am not (currently) aware of any author(s) that
establish-comment-conclude in general that freshwater crayfish are nocturnal.
Any suggestions or hints on where this information might be located, if it
indeed exists, would be greatly appreciated.
Advance thanks, regards and cheers from downunder
James Furse
<?color><?param 0100,0100,0100>
James M. Furse BSc (Hons)
PhD Candidate: Freshwater Crustacean Ecology
School of Environmental and Applied Sciences
Griffith University, Gold Coast
PMB 50 GCMC, Bundall 9726, Queensland
Ph: (07) 5552 8050
Fax: (07) 5552 8067
Mobile: 0414 532 709
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