> NANFA members Mike Thennet and Mark Binkley are pictured holding a
> seine haul of fish on page 87 of the March 2003 issue of Tropical
> Fish Hobbyist. Though Mark isn't named in the caption, I know for a
> fact it is him. The photo illustrates an aricle by R Shane Linder on
> general principals and pleasures of collecting one's own aquarium
> fishes. For those who may remember, the photo was taken on a fish
> hunting stop in Virginia after a group of us had visited Zekiah Swamp.
> --
> Mark
> Ohio
Hey Mark,
I gotta get a copy of that TFH mag.
Here is the link from Shane's World on the Planet Catfish website. The article on
the link is different but the photos are probably the same. Other NANFA members
present are Susan Binkley, Chris Scharpf, Peter Unmack and Steve Carruth.
[demime 0.99d.1 removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a name of mthennet.vcf]
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