-----Original Message-----
From: Hoover, Jan J ERDC-EL-MS
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 11:28 AM
To: 'nanfa_at_aquaria.net'; Al at wading-in.net
Subject: RE: NANFA-- Skull ID (I think)
Al -
I agree. It resembles the neurocranium of a tarpon. There are diagrams on
pages 140-141 in Gregory's Big Book of Fish Skulls which would allow you to
ID individual bones. I will be happy to photocopy and FAX it to you, if you
Dave -
I am impressed with your skills in forensic ichthyology. Can you tell us
how it died ?
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Neely
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 10:22 AM
To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net; Al at wading-in.net
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Skull ID (I think)
Dear Al,
I'm quite sure it <is> a fish skull and not part of a pelvis - note the
areas of articulation just below the vertebral foramen (the hole on the back
of the skull) - the pelvis of a bird would have distinctive areas
corresponding to the three fused bones that make it up (the ilium, ischium,
and pubis) - while this instead displays all of the characteristics of a
teleost neurocranium. The "ball and socket joint" you refer to is actually
part of the sphenotic or pterotic bones; the long cross-shaped bone on the
bottom is the parasphenoid - what forms the roof of the mouth. You have
correctly identified the orbits, and obviously the optic foramen- where the
optic nerves come through the skull from the brain to the eye.
I don't have my copy of Gregory's (1933) Fish Skulls (the classic
reference) handy... but I'll go out on a limb and guess that it's a
ladyfish, based on the minimal development of canals and the overall size
and shape.
The real expert would be Dr. Willi Bemis, at University of
Massachusetts-Amherst, who I'd guess would be more than happy to help out
with an ID. His email info is: wbemis_at_bio.umass.edu
David A. Neely
Dept. of Biology, St. Louis University
St. Louis, MO 63103 USA
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