NANFA-- skull ID?
Mon, 10 Feb 2003 20:37:18 EST

I passed original post and link to Liz. Below is part of exchange she had
with a fish paleontologist.

Chuck Church
Indianapolis, Indiana USA

>Looks like a Tarpon skull or maybe some sort of sea base, though its
>a little long for that. Its definitely a fish's skull. Too many
>bones to be a mammal or bird's. Plus bird skulls don't look anything
>like that.

And later..........

>>>All you are looking at in that picture is the braincase. The uppper
>>>jaws, lower jaws and the palate are missing.

>>Wait a second. It's a skull *without jaws*??? I thought jaws (at
>>least the upper jaw) were always part of a skull. They're
>>*attached* - ???

>In fishes they are not attached. You don't get attachment until amphibians.
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