I feed my banded pygmy sunfish live baby brine shrimp until they were half
grown. Then I slowly switched over to frozen adult brine shrimp. I kept
them in a 10 gallon tank with gravel and hornwort so thick it was pressed
against the glass on all four sides and the bottom. In the spring I could
see a male guarding an area but couldn't see eggs. The tank had gotten very
dirty lots of "stuff" on the bottom so I siphon vacuumed the tank. For some
reason I didn't throw out the bucket of dirty water. The next day when it
had settled there were hundreds of fry. I have Okefenokee right now about
1/4 t- 3/8 inch long I am trying to switch them over to frozen food now. By
the way my Bluespotted sunfish and swamp darters area spawning now. Good
luck with the pygmy's
I feed my banded pygmy sunfish live baby brine shrimp until they were half
grown. Then I slowly switched over to frozen adult brine shrimp. I kept
them in a 10 gallon tank with gravel and hornwort so thick it was pressed
against the glass on all four sides and the bottom. In the spring I could
see a male guarding an area but couldn't see eggs. The tank had gotten very
dirty lots of "stuff" on the bottom so I siphon vacuumed the tank. For some
reason I didn't throw out the bucket of dirty water. The next day when it
had settled there were hundreds of fry. I have Okefenokee right now about
1/4 t- 3/8 inch long I am trying to switch them over to frozen food now. By
the way my Bluespotted sunfish and swamp darters area spawning now. Good
luck with the pygmy's
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