Rob Denkhaus
Official Yankee Translator of the
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
> At 10:09 AM -0600 2/12/03, Denkhaus, Robert wrote:
> >I do however have a request. It would be helpful if
> everyone provided some
> >kind of map, GPS locations, etc. along with the report so
> that those of us
> >that are geographically challenged can follow along. I grew
> up in Ohio and
> >know parts of Killbuck Creek but for the life of me, can't
> remember where
> >Wayne County, Ohio is.
> That's because there is nothing in Wayne County! Well, nothing
> urban. It's west of Canton and east of I 71. Wooster is the biggest
> town. The fish hunting happened north of Wooster.
> --
> Mark
> Ohio
> <))><
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