> At 9:41 AM -0500 2/12/03, Rose Lawn Museum wrote:
> >The ID is actually correct...I was there when that one was pulled out.
> >light is glaring off the body slime, obscuring many of the telltale
> >markings. Many of the larger flagfish we caught in that spot had reddish
> >lower fins & tails.
> I won't believe it until I see a specimen live or dead. That fish
> has nothing that resembles J floridae except it's body proportions,
> and even those are out of whack:
> http://www.nanfa.org/NANFAregions/fl_cent/fl2003/flagfish.jpg It has
> gold flecks like F chrysotus. But, I'm happy either way.
> --
> Mark
> Ohio
> <))><
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