someone just subscribed me to the '' newsletter.
I don't want to know which of you jokers actually found this site to begin
with. I just don't want to know.
-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf
Of Christopher Scharpf
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- names on the list
This is an excellent request. I am forwarding it to NANFA's Board and to the
administrators of the server.
Chris Scharpf
> I have been getting a bit of spam lately sent directly to me, which makes
> hard for my de-spamming software to work.
> Is there a way to get the archives to *not* contain valid email addresses?
> I don't think that the mail is coming from the nanfa archive sites, but
> since I'm getting more stuff than I was before, I'm thinking about an
> illusion of privacy.
> I know that some sites convert the '_at_' to text like '-at-' for the
> they post in archives. I use a freeware text replacement program at work
> that can handle 200 meg files without much problem. it would likely
> the volume we generate.
> geoff kimber
> lexington,ky
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