At my old Northshore account, you would have been blown away at what I'd be
"subscribed" to. Viagra induced barn yard fun while getting your latest
insurance and mortgage quotes anyone? Oh and of course, I voluntarily
signed up to receive their garbage :p
I was the admin contact on about 30 top level domains... So I was primed
each day for an average of 60 spams of varying disgust. Spam software
couldn't even touch it. It just made it more tolerable at 20 per day. So I
know your pain.
And on this brand spakin, never seen before email here, I get ~2 klez
viruses a day since that harvest event, if that's any consolation... I had
to spend $75 that I *really* didn't have right now on virus software. In
fact the first email I received after installation was infected. Maybe
Sajjad is right, and I should go to the dark side of Unix. ;) Just be
careful with any attachments...
I just hope this doesn't discourage people to stop participating on
listserves. Then the real "virus" is working. :(
----- Original Message -----
From: "geoff" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 8:12 PM
Subject: RE: NANFA-- names on the list
> har har
> someone just subscribed me to the '' newsletter.
> I don't want to know which of you jokers actually found this site to begin
> with. I just don't want to know.
> geoff
> -----Original Message-----
> From: On Behalf
> Of Christopher Scharpf
> Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 6:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- names on the list
> Geoff,
> This is an excellent request. I am forwarding it to NANFA's Board and to
> administrators of the server.
> Chris Scharpf
> > I have been getting a bit of spam lately sent directly to me, which
> it
> > hard for my de-spamming software to work.
> >
> > Is there a way to get the archives to *not* contain valid email
> > I don't think that the mail is coming from the nanfa archive sites, but
> > since I'm getting more stuff than I was before, I'm thinking about an
> > illusion of privacy.
> >
> > I know that some sites convert the '_at_' to text like '-at-' for the
> addresses
> > they post in archives. I use a freeware text replacement program at
> > that can handle 200 meg files without much problem. it would likely
> handle
> > the volume we generate.
> >
> > geoff kimber
> > lexington,ky
> --
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