I wasn't too convinced by the comparative in Scott's pictures (thanks for
looking all those up Scott :) But there may have been a batch of something
that came out of a hatchery or something... It sounds like the lake Matt is
describing is pretty important to wildlife and sport... So my guess is the
population is stocked (which seems to be the case anywhere inland in Ohio).
I wouldn't be suprised if some gene had a little extra expression that
wasn't culled out at a hatchery.
Very interesting in any case. Thanks for getting some shots Mark! :)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ashton, Matthew J." <AshtonMJ_at_hiram.edu>
To: <Nanfa_at_Aquaria.net>
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- "Zebra Perch" What is it?
> I also thought it might be a log perch hybrid. But through Brian he told
> about Ted Cavendar at Ohio State saying there is a population at a
> near me and I am highly speculative of log perch in this reservior. who
> though. I sure don't but hopefully when the ice clears up I will be able
> get to this lake by me and its tributaries.
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