I think I remember reading somewhere, sometime on the web about a guy
who tried doing the same thing to a similar unit. The first unit he
got was defective, so he sent for a replacement; I think he may have
finally gotten it to work out as an aquarium chiller...or maybe not. I
guess what I have to say here is - you might want to try lookin' fer
that there website if yer interested.
Good luck.
Travis Haas
Appleton, WI
geoff wrote:
> here's one for you d.i.y. folks-
> http://www.surpluscenter.com/item.asp?UID=2003022319142861&item=1-1302&catna
> me=electric
> this is a surplus desktop soda fountain that has a 1/12 hp chiller designed
> for a soda fountain
> price is $47 and they have over 1300 of them.
> if someone buys this, let me know what you think. I am really tempted and
> its tough to beat the price.
> geoff kimber
> lexington,ky
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