Travis Haas
Appleton, WI
Christopher Scharpf wrote:
> Dear NANFAns,
> The Winter 2003 issue of American Currents has just been mailed. Expect it
> in your mailboxes within the next 2 weeks (although with bulk rate being
> what it is, it may take just 2 days to reach you, or over a month).
> This 35-page (+ cover) issue includes articles and information on:
> * blind cave catfishes of Texas
> * goodeids
> * lampreys
> * green sunfish
> * status of bridle shiner (Notropis bifrenatus)
> * bloater, kiyi, and other coregonines
> * building a larval fish trap
> * fish antibiotics
> * NANFA Corcoran Education Grant report
> * conservation breeding of pirate perch
> * new species: headwater darter (Etheostoma lawrencei)
> * and more!
> Looking ahead, the Spring issue should be out in time for the Huntsville
> convention. 15 pages are all but done, and I have more than enough material
> to fill out the remaining 20...and I am expecting more!
> My continued thanks to all the contributors who keep AC filled with quality
> materials and make me look good. :-)
> Yr obt ed,
> Chris Scharpf
> Baltimore
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