Checked with one of our local fish biologists on the issue. Apparently
they've heard the question before. He states " There is no such thing
as a high-fin-blue catfish, government blue catfish,
high fin government blue catfish etc. There is however a blue catfish
(Ictalurus furcatus). Blue catfish do get quite large (the world record is
well over 100 lbs) but they are good to eat. They also have a prominent
hump (particularly as they get larger) and are picivorus like a flathead.
Frequently you will hear people refer to male channel catfish as highfin or
government blues, particularly in the spring when their heads are enlarged
(the fishes). These folks will argue for hours that channel catfish have
small heads and that these are something different. The only other NA
catfish I know of with a forked tail is the white catfish (Ameirus catus)
but these are only in the drainages east of the Mississippi, and are smaller
than channel cats."
Hope that helps.
John wrote:
>Has anyone heard of a fish known as a hi-fin blue cat that is coming up into
>southern Texas and crowding out the native catfish? It is supposed to get to
>be about 30 to 35 pounds and isn't very good to eat. it looks like a blue cat
>with a deeply forked tail and humped back.
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