When I go to Germany the end of March Uwe would like me to bring some
Darters over, Here is his E-mail. Anyone who can take care of his request
will be taken care of in turn
Soft Water Dwarf Cichlids
David Soares & Uwe Romer
14697 S.Bluegrass Lane
Sisters, OR 97759
----- Original Message -----
From: "Erika Roemer" <EU.Roemer_at_t-online.de>
To: <apistodave_at_bendcable.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 2:15 AM
Subject: kein Betreff
> Hi Dave,
> any chance to get hold of some darters before You come over? I would like
to get
> some for a study on SEX-DETERMINATION! The best would be two or thre pairs
> two different species somewhere from the South that live in generally
> temperature regime, real cold water species would be too difficult to
keep. may
> Pat or somone from down there have some that You could bring?
> Uwe
> PS. Julio will ship everything from the list exept "Tino", they are not
> available at the time!
> Dr.Uwe Rvmer
> Linteler Stra_e 19
> D-33334 G|tersloh
> EU.Roemer_at_t-online.de
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