RE: NANFA-- Grass VS Redfin Pickerel (juvies)

Michael Wolfe (
Sat, 21 Feb 2004 07:37:05 -0500

John, I cannot answer for sure what is in the picture, but what I can tell
you for sure is that some red fin pickerel juveniles have absolutely no red
on them. I currently have one from last years Okefenokee II trip that was
unidentifiable (even between chain and grass/red fin) at capture maybe just
over 2". However, at 5" or so he began to show consistent red fin
coloring... now at 6" plus is a beautiful (and always hungry) red fin.

> [Original Message]
> From: John B <>
> To: Nanfa <>
> Date: 2/18/2004 11:19:55 PM
> Subject: NANFA-- Grass VS Redfin Pickerel (juvies)
> I have found immature Pickerels 2-3" long with red edges on fins (see
> the red caudle fin on this crummy picture
> <>).
> Do both the grass and the Redfin share this trait as juvies? Or does
> only the Redfin display this trait?
> John

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