Re: NANFA-- Flagfin-Bluehead hybrid fry

Christopher Scharpf (
Mon, 23 Feb 2004 08:00:43 -0400

> It is my personal opinion that only welaka and hubbsi should belong in
> Pteronotropis. Just one look at these two should reveal to even a casual
> observer that they are quite different from the other species of this
> genus ( signipinnis, grandipinnis, merlini, hypselopterus, stonei,
> euryzonus ). The very name Pteronotropis really only best applies to
> welaka and hubbsi, I think; those two have finnage really deserving of
> the "Ptero" ( = wing ) prefix.

If and when the genus is split, welaka and hubbsi will likely get the new
genus name, since Pteronotropis was described for hypselopterus.

It will be interesting to see if Notropis cummingsae gets into the mix
since, like welaka, it's the only other known parasitic nest associate. (I
doubt that it will, but it's worth investigating as per:

Simons, A. M., K. E. Knott, and R. L. Mayden. 2000. Assessment of monophyly
of the minnow genus Pteronotropis (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Copeia 2000 (4):

Chris Scharpf
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