NANFA-- Memories of a mystery

Scott Burner (
2 Jan 00 13:25:03 EST

I was in a local fish store the other day, (one I visit more to see what he
is boarding for people than anything else), and saw a fish that reminded me of
a forgotten fish I used to see infrequently as a child.
I had always reffered to the fish as a needle fish. I dismissed what I
realy thought the fish might be in this case,until the store owner was evasive
about what it might be. Then I knew I was right. It was a gar.
He thought it was an alligator but I believe it to have been a longnose.
My question is what the fish I saw as a child might have been, I would see
this fish basking near the top of the water, 1/2 an inch or so below the
surface. If you made a move to it it would disapear with lightening speed. I
never caught one. I never saw one over an inch and a half. I fished every inch
of that lake for many summers.
I worked at the local marina and never saw a gar come in.
I can find nothing in Peterson's that "should" be in Maine and resembles
this fish.
Are there any fish you folks know of that may be what I am remembering?
I can't wait till ice out. I MUST find one of those fish.

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