Do you happen to know what a non-resident permit costs in AL? Many of the
streams we use in NW GA cross into AL, and it's hard to stop at the line
Kennesaw, GA
At 10:51 PM 1/8/00 EST, you wrote:
>I have my first true community aquarium since I moved here last summer. In a
>10 gal. tank I have 2 speckled chub (_Macrhybopsis aestivalis_, at least for
>now), a channel shiner (_Notropis wickliffi_) and what I think is a mimic
>shiner, _Notropis volucellus_. The latter I initially thought was a sawfin
>shiner but now that it's color has stabilized and I've gotten a better look
>at it, I realize my mistake. It differs from the channel shiner primarily by
>a noticeable predorsal stripe (a.k.a. dorsal nape), not really present in
>the channel shiner.
>All of these fish came from a small nameless creek in Scottsboro, AL.
>They're all extremely active, and all immediately took flake food with great
>gusto, as have my _Fundulus_ species killifish. The speckled chubs are
>actually handsome fish, with orange-red tails and bronze sides speckled with
>black (hence the name). It makes me realize, once again, that Americans are
>foolish to be so fixated on exotic tropicals.
>My trips to Jackson County, AL, have also lead me & my wife to another
>interesting thing, snake handling for religious reasons. There's a great
>book out on this that's set in north-east Alabama called "Salvation on Sand
>Mountain - Snake Handling and Redemption in Southern Appalachia" by Dennis
>Covington. These are people who think nothing of keeping 4 copperheads in an
>aquarium on their kitchen counter next to the coffee pot, or routinely
>travelling with a rattlesnake in your truck. These people tend to live in
>interesting areas for fish collecting, such as Jackson and Marshall Counties
>in Alabama, back up in the hills around high gradient streams. Personally I
>try to avoid poisonous snakes, but my travels are bringing me to the snake
>handlin' people.
>--Bruce Stallsmith
>Huntsville, AL
>"safe in Madison County"
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