Re: NANFA-- o-spots
R.W.Wolff (
Tue, 11 Jan 2000 01:26:59 -0600
Thats just it, I dont know how they spawn for me. I dont do anythng
special. The main thing is that the tanks are set up pretty close to what
their natural habitat would be like. The o-spots are in a stream type tank
with a reef looking pile of rocks, with eel grass growing around it, and
algae waving in the current. The bantam tank is a pile of roots with a
thick vegamat on the surface , ( althought they spawned in a bare tank over
and over) and the dollars tank is packed with crypts. The daylength is
about 17 hours, the temps vary from 72 to 78 degrees, and I feed a varied
diet ( not on purpose, I just feed whats available).
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